Friday, February 11, 2011

So basically...

I love you all. You all are awesome. I appreciate all my followers....all four of you.

So in other news, snow day yesterday. Epicness! Excpet my cable went out for awhile so I killed things on Fall Out New Vegas which I was having fun with until i nearly peed my pants because of this freakin huge radscorpion which was all 'NOM NOM NOM' and I was like 'Nuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! D': ' er...nevermind. Hey look a distraction! V V V

So anyways yeah...American Idol had a new episode. It was lame because basically it was filler and showed people we've already seen singing the same old songs. Talk about lack of  originality. DO NOT LET ME DOWN STEVEN TYLER!!!!

Lady Gaga came out with her new song today!!! :D Its pretty epic. Born this Way. Super awesome. Shes amazing I love her. I mean how can you not love someone who supports everyone, makes good music, ad philathropist, and overall good person? Besides that how can you not love someone who dresses like this:

Anyways I recommend checking it out. Its a really good song and it has a really great message from a really great lady. And so...uh...and I conclude with that. <3

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