Friday, February 25, 2011

More Writing Nonsense and Stuff :P

Omg, I am lookin' like a hipster today~ Yup I'm looking pretty epic today, sportin Mrs. Onkst's glasses to finish off the look. So today is pretty easy. Sort of a pointless school day. Its only a half-day and so pretty laid-back and easy. Just alot of English oriented classes and such. Omg I just remembered I had a dream last night! I was in a pet store and this puppy, this little palmeranian was in the window looking and yapping at me. I asked my mom if we could get him and she said yes. So I got him and named him Hufflepuff! >:D Unfortunately it was just a dream...v.v But I know one day I'm gonna get him!!! X3

Holly Rose wrote: Sinny your are epicly handsome!
Thank you Holly. Your compliment is well appreciated. Right back atcha. Also you're* and epically* xP Love ya Holly.


Its writing practice time again. I'm not quite sure what to write about. What I am of, is that most of the music that plays during this time I've never even heard of. In anycase, I'm just ready for a new day, even though its rainy and horribly dreary outside. Good thing I'm inside and out of the rain. It does awful things to my hair which is all soft and shiny today! :) Um...what else should I write...I have a feeling I'm gonna have alot of of homework tonight. Spanish and AP Lit, my two big classes. I need to work hard at them. I can't allow my great GPA to fall. I'm sure I can do it, I just need to work harder on them.


  1. Haha Sinjin! You're so sweet! I love you too! I love how you write about your thoughts. It's so intertaining! hahaha You're awesome Sinny! :D <3

  2. Sinjin, you're my favorite hipster, right behind that guy from MGMT. Only a true hipster could match his scarf and shoes.
