Friday, February 11, 2011

More vignette nonsense!~

I gaze out the ocean. An endless sea. A barrier for all to see. And the sun shines oh so brightly on the sea and my darkened features. My eyes stare out, dim, lifeless. Just blank, like this endless sea. Nothing on the horizon. I stand here and wonder if I am doomed to eternal sorrow and guilt. The sun looks down brutish and indifferent. I already know the answer to my question.

There is hope on the horizon. And one day, I know, I'll be set free from all this endless torment that I feel. Not in death, but in life. I resolve to be happy. Instead of fighting for me, I'll fight for others. A right to be with humanity, a bridges I'll form. Rather than a barrier. I'll protect those dear to me. History will not be repeated. I feel motion in my face, a smile. I walk away from the seashell studded beach. The waves rolling in softly. I know now, its what they'd want me to do.


It was so dark. Pitch black, besides the dimly lit, yellow light that poured our of the lamp posts like beacons on the  cobble stone streets. The sounds of drunken stupor down the street at the pub. Rats could be heard scampering  down the ominous, dark, damp allyways. You felt like you were being watched on this hellish street. The paradigm of all discomfort and human sins. The brutal cold air, the enigmatic gloom of the night, the nasty road conditions filled wit human filth. The cries of the desperate and the cheers of the drunken disillusioned. I had only been there one day in that city of Limbo. I felt its hold on me so tight, suffocating, smothering. Already, I wanted out.

[Gawd these are depressing x.x, for some odd reason I always have a hard time making cheerful normal characters xD]

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