Friday, February 4, 2011

Marcus Marcellus One Syllable Vignette, Emotion: Anger

I will kill him. That man who killed my cat. The one thing close to me, and he killer her. When I find him...he will breathe his last breath. His heart will cease to beat or rush...and I will watch as his life drains out of his eyes. My blade will endhim. My cat will rest in peace.
All who get close to me die. I guess thats why that damn man killed her. A swift kick, then death...That is why I will end his life. You know what they say...A life for a life. His life for hers...

1 comment:

  1. Sinjin--- The One-syllable style really worked for this vignette. It is also a little scary,but in a good way!

    Mrs. Onkst
