Friday, February 11, 2011

My more philosophical writing practices~

What is reality? Is reality what we make it? Do we as individuals  solely exist? Is what I'm writing real...or not? Is existance even defined? Everything has an indefinate amount of relationships, characteristics, possibilities. We cannot know anything without knowing everything. But can we even know everything? If everything we know is only most likely true, meaning only probavly true or not true at all?

I then resolve that I am human. Living in what is presumably reality. I'm happy here and it doesn't matter to me what is true or exact. I'm happy with this reality, the things I believe and know to be true. This existance. This life. And all other lives as well. :)
[Been thinking about Mau's classes lately...]


All big changes require baby steps. Smaller efforts to incite the bigger one(s). For instance, if one wants to lose say, fity pounds, they might need to make smaller goals to get to that point like losing five pounds. Not only is it easier, but it will also encourage them to go farther or do more. Babysteps is the best way to handle everything. Patience is a virtue and ultimately helps. Rome wasn't built in a day. Hell, humanity didn't even get to the point we're in for at least a couple thousand years. Everything ultimately takes time. Just little tiny baby steps. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think we need to have a philisophical conversation one day my handsome and intellegent (sp?) close friend
    <3 Holly
