Friday, February 25, 2011

Something random

Normally during this time, I post something extremely funny or satiracle, or just something interesting. However due to the fact my motto has been 'Procrastinators Unite!!!!....tomorrow', I have some work to do. Also my week has been pretty bland, mostly pep-band games, and I've been yelling my poor voice out, and I'm just plain tired. So I'm just going to share a poem Mr. Mau showed my class one day that makes me laugh when I hear it. ERHMMMM!!!

Shake and shake the catsup bot'l
non'l come
then alot'l

None truer words were spoken~

And now I bid all of you, my beautiful followers...adieu~

More Writing Nonsense and Stuff :P

Omg, I am lookin' like a hipster today~ Yup I'm looking pretty epic today, sportin Mrs. Onkst's glasses to finish off the look. So today is pretty easy. Sort of a pointless school day. Its only a half-day and so pretty laid-back and easy. Just alot of English oriented classes and such. Omg I just remembered I had a dream last night! I was in a pet store and this puppy, this little palmeranian was in the window looking and yapping at me. I asked my mom if we could get him and she said yes. So I got him and named him Hufflepuff! >:D Unfortunately it was just a dream...v.v But I know one day I'm gonna get him!!! X3

Holly Rose wrote: Sinny your are epicly handsome!
Thank you Holly. Your compliment is well appreciated. Right back atcha. Also you're* and epically* xP Love ya Holly.


Its writing practice time again. I'm not quite sure what to write about. What I am of, is that most of the music that plays during this time I've never even heard of. In anycase, I'm just ready for a new day, even though its rainy and horribly dreary outside. Good thing I'm inside and out of the rain. It does awful things to my hair which is all soft and shiny today! :) Um...what else should I write...I have a feeling I'm gonna have alot of of homework tonight. Spanish and AP Lit, my two big classes. I need to work hard at them. I can't allow my great GPA to fall. I'm sure I can do it, I just need to work harder on them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

An Internal Monologue of Marc Marcellus

This gas station looks so old. Can I even get gas out of the gas pumps?...nope...F***! what now? Ugh my stomach aches, I need food...surely this dump has THAT. Though I doubt it.

Hmmm old man dozing off at the counter...actually he looks so old he mighta' died...Should I wake him?....Nah oh well. Hrm what do I want....Snickers, skittles, starburst, other miscellaneus snacks that start with 's'...MILKY WAY!!! Yoink! Oh sweet caramel goodness... NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! Gah now i"m thirst....and no water in sight...not even here. This place is just horrible. Why is it still even in business...I mean are you serious right now? Why is nothing ever turning out right? *sigh* I suppose I'd better try the next station on this desert highway. Las I come.

Writing Practice shtuffz

I am so stressin' this week. Mostly with this AP Lit essay that I SHOULD'VE wrote myself. Which I so would've had my microsoft word actually worked. So I'm so desperate to get it editted. I cannot have a C. No I cannot. I refuse. I do not concede, Thank you A.O. for letting me work on it today. I appreciate you for lessening my tension and stress this week. Pep band is also not making me happy. I can't even get home to do stuff half of the time. I've been falling behind at home. I also have someone I care very much for that I havn't been able to talk to. Not talking to that person just makes me feel...blah.


I've resolved that I cannot live life in constant worry. If things happen, they happen. I mean sure by all means, I'm responsible for my choices and life, but some things I think, are determined by fate. Not necessarily like higher power fate, but just how things fall into place in the universe. Random chance. All I can do is live my life, get my head out of the clouds and start being responsible. Its just time to accept the truths of things, which I do for the most part, hope for the best, and be the best I can be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

So basically...

I love you all. You all are awesome. I appreciate all my followers....all four of you.

So in other news, snow day yesterday. Epicness! Excpet my cable went out for awhile so I killed things on Fall Out New Vegas which I was having fun with until i nearly peed my pants because of this freakin huge radscorpion which was all 'NOM NOM NOM' and I was like 'Nuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! D': ' er...nevermind. Hey look a distraction! V V V

So anyways yeah...American Idol had a new episode. It was lame because basically it was filler and showed people we've already seen singing the same old songs. Talk about lack of  originality. DO NOT LET ME DOWN STEVEN TYLER!!!!

Lady Gaga came out with her new song today!!! :D Its pretty epic. Born this Way. Super awesome. Shes amazing I love her. I mean how can you not love someone who supports everyone, makes good music, ad philathropist, and overall good person? Besides that how can you not love someone who dresses like this:

Anyways I recommend checking it out. Its a really good song and it has a really great message from a really great lady. And so...uh...and I conclude with that. <3

My more philosophical writing practices~

What is reality? Is reality what we make it? Do we as individuals  solely exist? Is what I'm writing real...or not? Is existance even defined? Everything has an indefinate amount of relationships, characteristics, possibilities. We cannot know anything without knowing everything. But can we even know everything? If everything we know is only most likely true, meaning only probavly true or not true at all?

I then resolve that I am human. Living in what is presumably reality. I'm happy here and it doesn't matter to me what is true or exact. I'm happy with this reality, the things I believe and know to be true. This existance. This life. And all other lives as well. :)
[Been thinking about Mau's classes lately...]


All big changes require baby steps. Smaller efforts to incite the bigger one(s). For instance, if one wants to lose say, fity pounds, they might need to make smaller goals to get to that point like losing five pounds. Not only is it easier, but it will also encourage them to go farther or do more. Babysteps is the best way to handle everything. Patience is a virtue and ultimately helps. Rome wasn't built in a day. Hell, humanity didn't even get to the point we're in for at least a couple thousand years. Everything ultimately takes time. Just little tiny baby steps. :)

More vignette nonsense!~

I gaze out the ocean. An endless sea. A barrier for all to see. And the sun shines oh so brightly on the sea and my darkened features. My eyes stare out, dim, lifeless. Just blank, like this endless sea. Nothing on the horizon. I stand here and wonder if I am doomed to eternal sorrow and guilt. The sun looks down brutish and indifferent. I already know the answer to my question.

There is hope on the horizon. And one day, I know, I'll be set free from all this endless torment that I feel. Not in death, but in life. I resolve to be happy. Instead of fighting for me, I'll fight for others. A right to be with humanity, a bridges I'll form. Rather than a barrier. I'll protect those dear to me. History will not be repeated. I feel motion in my face, a smile. I walk away from the seashell studded beach. The waves rolling in softly. I know now, its what they'd want me to do.


It was so dark. Pitch black, besides the dimly lit, yellow light that poured our of the lamp posts like beacons on the  cobble stone streets. The sounds of drunken stupor down the street at the pub. Rats could be heard scampering  down the ominous, dark, damp allyways. You felt like you were being watched on this hellish street. The paradigm of all discomfort and human sins. The brutal cold air, the enigmatic gloom of the night, the nasty road conditions filled wit human filth. The cries of the desperate and the cheers of the drunken disillusioned. I had only been there one day in that city of Limbo. I felt its hold on me so tight, suffocating, smothering. Already, I wanted out.

[Gawd these are depressing x.x, for some odd reason I always have a hard time making cheerful normal characters xD]

Friday, February 4, 2011

Who are you really?

To put things simply, I am just Sinjin. I am not some asian kid who comes from China or Japan, and y'know there are more countries in Asia, and no they do not speak "Asian". My name is not "Asian", its simply a really Old English name thats really rare. Don't worry if you've never heard of it, not even people in Britain have. Yes, I am tan and I have dark, distinctive eyebrows, but I swear I'm white and was born in Des Moines, Iowa so yes, I am American. And no, Iowa is not the 'Home of the Potato' thats Idaho. Yes I can be flmboyant sometimes and or eccentric or weird. That is my business, and I'll say no to your questions regardless because I feel uncomfrotable to your prodding. If I wanted you to know, you would know. I don't ask you personal questions.
Yes, I do always say whats on my mind, its in the genes, my mom and gramma do it to. So get over it. No I'm not a bad guy. Words to describe me as I've been described are: nice, kind, great, awesome, amazing, angelic, and 'OMG you're the best thing thats ever happened to me!!!'. Yes I'ama nerd, and a gamer, and yes I will help you if you need help with something. Just don't get the idea you'll get help on that Trig test or inevitably out of jail. Yes, I can speak Spanish, but don't you dare call me Mexican, oryou will get yelled at. Do I sound mean? Yes, but only because you people ask these things all the time. I'm a great and unique person, and I'll be nice to you, so don't try and fit me in your little world. Theres so much more to me and I don't appreciate trying to be categorized, My name is Sinjin, andI am who I am and you won't change that. I love everyone and have no enemies. Yes I do have na ego but its okay. Putting myself up is better than down. Thats who I am. Really.

Marcus Marcellus One Syllable Vignette, Emotion: Anger

I will kill him. That man who killed my cat. The one thing close to me, and he killer her. When I find him...he will breathe his last breath. His heart will cease to beat or rush...and I will watch as his life drains out of his eyes. My blade will endhim. My cat will rest in peace.
All who get close to me die. I guess thats why that damn man killed her. A swift kick, then death...That is why I will end his life. You know what they say...A life for a life. His life for hers...

Writing Practices of this Week~

Flicka, I <3 U!!! :D
You've brought me years of joy and happiness
You're great, you're beautiful
You loved me unconditionally
I know you always will
I hope you will finally find some comfort.
I love you always you old cat.
Yours always,
My nose itches! NYEH!!! Elton John is so cool~ Hes like, all playing the piano and 'KILL THE WORLD WITH PEACE!', and he like, has a baby nao! o.o And that child will be a P-R-O-D-I-G-Y!!! Merf.