Friday, March 25, 2011

Okay it really bothers me...

when children make more adult decisions. Like who do these kids think they are? Okay, I was talking to one of my friends today, and he told me his brother...his 9 YEAR OLD brother, was gay. Okay... and immediately my face was like this..
I'm thinking 'What the hell? What the hell is going on with kids these days?' Its getting just fracken awful. They're making boyfriends and girlfriends at nine years old. I mean WTF? These kids are making decisions on sexuality at younger ages each generation! Next thing you know there are going to be four year olds making out with each other!!! FOUR YEARS OLD. Do you know how disgusted this makes me? It makes me want vomit....vehemently. When I was his age...I didn't know about the sins of the world. In fact, I didn't know until I at least hit puberty. Which was 13 okay? When I was this kids age I was causing trouble with Pokemon and running around, riding my bike. I payed no attention to guys or girls. All I wanted to do was have fun with my friends, and I had no interest in what was in their pants. I have never had a real relationship my whole like let alone a kiss, and this kid, and hes not the only one, is going around getting boyfriends and girlfriends at 9-10 years old, prolly already getting their groove on! What the hell is wrong with this picture!? Why are kids growing up so fast!? They only think they know everything but they don't and they don't know what they're getting into! Its maddening. Truly. I don't know what we need to do as a society, but we need to do something. Censorship might be a good idea, but parents don't do it. When I was younger my parents kept me away from such things, including Adult Swim in Cartoon Network. Which only came on when everyone went to sleep...if kids are watching that stuff....WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP THAT LATE!? When I was younger I was going to be at 9 at night!!! Urgh....
In all my 18 years of existing on this planet...I have never been more disgusted with kids than I am now. Please someone do something. =.=


  1. Wow Sinjin! I love that! Passion! Passion is hot! I totally agree! These kids these days! IT disgusts me. Foreal i think there r like five year olds having rainbow parties! I blame the parents! I think you need to start a cause for like children and their adult decisions

  2. Sinjin, that was amazing!!! I feel the same as you. I feel like these kids have done more things as me, and I'm 18!! Kids need to be kids. Stop trying to grow up so soon.

  3. I love how passionate on this subject!!!
    I agree with the "whole parents need to monitor their kids more" thing. A while back when I was in California, I heard a REALLY LITTLE girl ask her mom **RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF WAL MART** if she could touch herself... No way she knew what that meant, but it was creepy. She probably heard it in a song or something, which means her parents/ siblings need to keep a closer eye on her!!!

    As for the gay thing, I don't think there's anything wrong with being gay and there IS a study that suggests that there's something in a person's DNA that determines their orientation before they are even born, but I think your friends little brother needs to spend more time growing up before he decides how he feels around boys... OR girls for that matter!

    Very nice post! Bravo, man!

  4. **How passionate you are on the subject**
