Friday, April 29, 2011

RANT!: Royal Wedding!!!

So I decided to wake up quite early to watch the royal wedding. As soon as I announced this decision to awaken before sunrise, I discovered the emmense amount of surprise and disdain for the royal wedding. "Yay a wedding for a powerless and useless royal family!" they cried quite sarcastically. I found myself quite agitated by their disdainful and sardonic attitudes toward the wedding. They've done huge weddings for every royal member. Each and everytime something royal happens, its always in a most grandeous occaision! I don't quite understand the sudden surprise or disdain. Royal weddings are meant to be huge and involve the people of the country. The fact that The United Kingdom and The United States are so closely related in past and lineage, it only makes sense that the occassion would be big here too. Its not nice to criticize the British people for adoring their royalty. The monarchy may lack the power it once had due to the fact the country is a constitutional monarchy, however the royal family is a symbol of their power. It is ULTIMATELY who the British people owe their loyalty to, not the Parliament, though they do have to do what they say. I don't see the weirdness in it, its just a special occaision. A marraige into the royal family is basically a marraige to the country itself. Thats why its so public. So, in conclusion, to all of you who think that the royal wedding is stupid, don't ruin it for anyone else who actually gives a care for it. If anything feel happy for them, and stop being so damn snarky. Thank you.

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