Friday, March 25, 2011

Okay it really bothers me...

when children make more adult decisions. Like who do these kids think they are? Okay, I was talking to one of my friends today, and he told me his brother...his 9 YEAR OLD brother, was gay. Okay... and immediately my face was like this..
I'm thinking 'What the hell? What the hell is going on with kids these days?' Its getting just fracken awful. They're making boyfriends and girlfriends at nine years old. I mean WTF? These kids are making decisions on sexuality at younger ages each generation! Next thing you know there are going to be four year olds making out with each other!!! FOUR YEARS OLD. Do you know how disgusted this makes me? It makes me want vomit....vehemently. When I was his age...I didn't know about the sins of the world. In fact, I didn't know until I at least hit puberty. Which was 13 okay? When I was this kids age I was causing trouble with Pokemon and running around, riding my bike. I payed no attention to guys or girls. All I wanted to do was have fun with my friends, and I had no interest in what was in their pants. I have never had a real relationship my whole like let alone a kiss, and this kid, and hes not the only one, is going around getting boyfriends and girlfriends at 9-10 years old, prolly already getting their groove on! What the hell is wrong with this picture!? Why are kids growing up so fast!? They only think they know everything but they don't and they don't know what they're getting into! Its maddening. Truly. I don't know what we need to do as a society, but we need to do something. Censorship might be a good idea, but parents don't do it. When I was younger my parents kept me away from such things, including Adult Swim in Cartoon Network. Which only came on when everyone went to sleep...if kids are watching that stuff....WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP THAT LATE!? When I was younger I was going to be at 9 at night!!! Urgh....
In all my 18 years of existing on this planet...I have never been more disgusted with kids than I am now. Please someone do something. =.=

More Writing Practice Awfulness

When I was a child.... I f***ed s*** up with Pokemon and ran around my little circular neighborhood like a little heathan. Me and my friends terrorized the cats, dogs, senior citizens, etc. etc. Um...I think that was about it.


Hrmmmmm. I feel unappreciated sometimes. Ita not a good feeling. I feel like people just don't appreciate the things I was raised to appreciate. Good manners for instance, apologies, some people just wabve stuff off like nothing and frankly it hurts sometimes. But its minor so I guess I'm done.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A view into 'Deadman' (yes a rather weird title but it makes sense with the story)

Denzel was stunned silent. His eyes slightly widened. She was passionate. She may have been annoying but she had what he didn't.
Passion for life. 
Love and a meaning.

More Writing Practice Junk

Guesses, guesses, guesses. This was a pretty good weekend. I guess. My step-bro came home and we had fun. I guess. I got the new pokemon game *cough*nerd*cough* and I've had fun with that....I guess. It was just overall a good weekend and I enjoyed my break despite I still had to clean and read alot of The Road Funny, I can hardly find any information on it. Does it have anything more than the basic meansings of love and how landscape and culture makes humanity?

There can be no guide to life. You see, everyone lives a different life; no one is the same. In this, we can assume that one general ruleset would be superficial and would not fit or apply to everyone. People say everything has happened before and will happen again. Is this true? Can we honestly assume we know that? On the contrary, nothing is ever the same in relation to the universe. Rather, I think its safe to say that everything so far has happened but not everything has happened yet. We could write a guide individually, but it would all be different, and likely conflicting in creed and values and in what to do. Everyone has different experiences and values. My advice would be to simply live and discover what to do and what not to do to yourself. Find what you like, what you don't like. Go see stuff, the world, and determine for yourself what is good and bad. Go make your own life. Live and enjoy it while you have it. Or don't, its your life.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I love Hipsters!

This is why, Disney and Hipster go together very well.

Take Cruella Devil for instance. Those glasses look great on her.
Needed more Jafar. :3

Finally some Scar.

Too true. You Hipster Disney Villains speak words of wisdom.


Rising Action....THingy

So I'm gonna post mine, which was simply one sentence.

The dog lunged at his face.

But to make it more interesting, lets make it....this dog... >:3

Much better.

Now I will post Jade's...thingy.

Erhmm note, this is explicit, so for all of you who cannot stop giggling at the word 'slut' or perhaps names like 'Bitchy McGee' please don't bother reading. You'll wet your pants. Or do read it, I'll laugh at you and make you cry.

Now without further ado...

Sir Mr. McSlut walk his puppy Onika Minaj (I like this name) to the park to take a pee behind a bush. Onika, of course, was in the park that cloudy gray evening only to empty herself of bladder urges. Mr. McSlut however, was there to get some BOOTY. He wore his most boss triangular hat, his buttoned up silk top, and pants so tight that he was no longer fertile of that morning.

'Lucky for the ladies...'he though, and his mind trailed off to murkier waters. (perv)

"Onika! Piss already ya dumb hoe!" McSlut exclaimed to his dog.

"Listen McSlut," Onika barked, "Calm it down. I will freakin' bite you in the cajones, that is, if your tightass pants havn't already!"

"Hush now Onika, don't be hatin'!" (this is a rly gangster white boy)
Then McSlut spotted....gorgeousness.(not sure this is a word but I like it...) A chick in an oddly shaped dress with wide hips looked at him whilst she sat on a bench.

"Damn girl, you flabby." he said. (Is that even a pickup line? o.o)
"I know right? You rich, sucka, pay for my lipo!" (So thats what kids these days get into relationships for, it all makes sense now :D)
"Psht, shut up Bitchy McGee."( this some mating ritual I've not seen?)
"How'd you know my name???" (Oh lord more drugged parents, I feel your pain gurl)
"OMG and me 4-eva." (Don't do it! Its a trap!!!!)

Onike sniffed at her owner's crotch.
'Oh my,' she thought.'He's a woman.' (HA I TOLD YOU!~ ;D)

PS. The parenthesis was not written by Ms. Wilson but rather my own personal thoughts.

What is Life?

Meet Denzel. Ordinary adult living in the heart of London, England. Living his life like others, waking up, going to work, work all day, go home go to bed. Repeat. As he begins to lose value in this monotinous, mechanical order established on his life, it is suddenly thrown into chaos as his life is thrown into danger along with perhaps the only woman who likes him, Katherine. He doesn't know how or why but suddenly he is in a struggle for what he thinks is life.

More Writing Practice Nonsense...again

I have to reuse paper now! Yay!!! Now to think of things that are sweet and salty. Um, how about sea-salt ice cream, or salted watermelon? The former sounds better than the latter. You wanna know what sucks? Having an eleven o' clock bedtime. People laugh at me! D': And then I still end up being all drowsy in the mornings. I think I"m 18 and I should be able to go to sleep when I want. >:/ But I guess I can deal. Something is annoying me too. My internet is being all spotty as hell lately. It keeps going on and off and its making me angsty and I have stuff yo do!!! It better get fixed or there is going to be an angry sinjin monster on the loose.D:<

I wish I could eat a whole bunch of candy without getting fat, :/
I am looking at those boxes of fortune cookies and really wishing I had some. Those fortunes better be good or I'm going to be dissapointed. I watched Lady Gaga's new music video from her premier yesterday. It looked like Final Fantasy VIII on meth or crack. It was rly creepy and crazy. I think those three days in that egg scrambled her brains.