Friday, May 20, 2011


Forget that title >_>'


I'm not real sure what to write because...I'm not quite sure what to say at the moment.
Really there are just...a whole lot of things going on in my life right now. Prom is tomorrow, and I've apparently been nominated for Prom court. So theres that and my nervousness.... Then theres the fact, high school is almost over and its just....GAH! Real world is coming. And theres another fit of...GAH nervousness that comes up and attacks you like Lindsay Lohan on crack....

Poor cocaine....


Then theres all the bullshit about these nimrods predicting the world's demise. Apparently tomorrow was thrown into the fray as a possible canidate, though I really don't believe it'll happen. I don't think humans have the comprehension to predict the end of the world. On that note, isn't it odd that we as humans (a naturally self destructing race) wants world destruction over loving each other and social equality? Its rather annoying really. Oh well....................................................... :D

Anyways love you all. Live well, flourish, and wear condoms children >_>

Les Miserables (School Edition)

EVERYONE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jean Valjean was epic, and so was Javert. The fact it was the Harrison brothers made it all the more better because the raw rivalry was intensified by the fact they are siblings. Natural sibling rivalry. The women were lovely as usual. The band was epic, especially the cello (heehee ;D) and the main characters such as Marius and Cosette, the Thenandiers, EPONINE (loved her, she was a tear tugger) Fantine sang beautifully. They were all great. It was one of the best played ever!

Kudos to all of you! Hope all your shows are just as amazing as that one! :D


It comes out....this MONDAY!!!!!

Okay, so I know of a few songs that I'm looking forward to:

Government Hooker
Born This Way
Heavy Metal Lover
Marry The Night
Highway Unicorn
Edge of Glory
Electric Cathedral
Yöu and I


I love Lady Gaga. She's helped me through alot and accept who I am. If it wasn't for her, I likely wouldn't have so many amazing friends who care about me. I likely wouldn't have been voted for nomination of Prom King as well! Thank you all I love you guys and I love you Lady Gaga my BFF!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A glimpse into the world of KH fanfiction

The waves rolled in, bright blue. Aquamarine in color, and then clear across the golden sand. The sky rivaled the ocean's beauty with an endless sapphire color. The sun a yellow orb shining in the sky, on this beautiful day. It wasn't super hot, but comfortable with a warm salty breeze flowing around. The colorful kaleidoscope stain glass colored lilies drifted in the breeze and swayed in a beautiful green garden near a large villa on the side of a cliff over looking the shores and beaches. It was white and the gardens and the villa itself were beautiful and elegant. The stuff of aristocracy. The childhood home of the now young man Ares.

Outside there was a large back balcony that had a wonderful view of the ocean and the island out in the distance where he and other kids used to play when they were just small children. The porch was accompanied on both sides by two old paupu trees both bearing fresh paupu fruit. White curtains flew out in the breeze swaying along with the flowers. On the balcony, a large white chair and a white gold cane crafted to withstand an excessive amount of trauma. This was the cane of Master Ares, who sat in the chair dressed completely white, like his villa and his room which was also completely white save for the numerous bouquets of color flowers that were arranged around the room and the entire house.

He sat silent and thoughtful, his head resting on his hand on the arm rest, staring out into the ocean. His eyes were distant as if he were trying to remember a memory just out of reach. He however stopped and lowered his eyes at the ground.

It had been a year since he had lost his ability to move and combat without the aid of some sort of support. It started out with a wheelchair, and then he eventually was able to stand, and then eventually able to walk with a cane. He had spent the last year conditioning. Able to defend himself, but he couldn't defend anyone else. He couldn't run, he couldn't roll without being incapacitated. He tried and he tried...but he knew in his mind...

That he the once great Ares of whom people looked up to, would never be the same...

And he was okay with this fact. He never did anything for the heroism. He just wanted to help people. Help the Keybladers. Help the worlds and maintain the balances of Light and Darkness and lastly...find and save his friend. His best friend....Abrin. He had turned to Darkness. It ruled him, much like Light ruled Ares. They were two opposites, driven into two opposite directions. Ares sighed as the thoughts of his old friend entered his mind.

He knew that Abrin went the direction he did because of him. Because he was young, and couldn't get to him in time, and he couldn't get to Sara in save them from their fate that one night on Destiny Islands. The night that would change their lives forever. Ares living the life of the Keybearer, the saint of the worlds. A heart of light, fighting Abrin and Xinbar two parts of what was once his friend. A victim of his failure... Their roles in the world were rivaled with Ares' own creation of a Nobody, Xares and he himself wrecked havoc on the worlds. Only to come back and try to save his friend. To try to make things right.. But it wasn't meant to be. Shut down in his prime by a rogue Heartless whose power Ares had underestimated. While Ares was still a person to be reckoned with...he had retired. He was done...

He had done everything. He loved Abrin like a brother, and right when he had him...he had left him again and now the forces of Darkness were in control. He was no longer his friend he was a fiend. Ares couldn't move...and thus he gave up. He had determined that if Fate had a heart, it would reunite them, and make everything right again. Everything would go back to normal...and Ares could the life he had before the Key came into his possession.

One might have thought that Ares hated the Keyblade. But he didn't. It was his responsibility, and he had a duty to the worlds he had to accomplish, and it was safe to say he didn't fail to save loads of lives while he was a Keyblader. He was one of the best. He had met lots of friends...Kay, Keisuke....


She had taken on the role of leader of the Keybladers. She was a Master now and had taken on Thane as an Apprentice much like Belmont had taken her. She was a very good woman and a very good Keybearer and a most importantly, a very good friend. He had wanted to see her, but her duties as a Keyblader never ceased. He had expected to see her any day now though, he waited for her to come everyday and sat out on his balcony to watch the tides roll in and the beautiful birds to fly among the flowers throughout the garden and reflect on things...And most importantly...

Wish for Abrin's safe return home.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Sinjin the Monkey Ninja Master was hopping around along with his friends Shrimpy the Rogue, Maddie the Cleric, and Zachamina The Warlord till they came to a mysterious dark dank cave on the way to Nicholastown. As they passed by the cave, a hugh roar echoed down its dark hollow walls. Sinjin chattered wildly in monkey tongue his beautiful white monkey tail swinging back and forth as a huge green fist fighting monk Cave Troll walked out chewing on the head of some dumb prat stupid and drunk enough to wander here at night.

"Blargh!!!"The monstrously ugly troll cried! "I am Ethaneus! And none shall pass this cave! All of you will die!!!!''

Shrimpy, Maddie, and Zachamina got ready to battle. They were ready to take on the troll as they had taken on every challenge thus far. Together and with kicking as much ass as possible. Sinjin brought out the Sword of Rainbows and pointed it at the troll angrily!

"What!? The Sword of Rainbows!? How dare the Unicorns betray me!?"

Sinjin chattered and dissapeared into the brush nearby the cave. Shrimpy made the first move turning invisible and slowly sneaking past the troll. Maddie put some distance between herself and the troll Ethaneus so as to support the others.Zachamina ran straight at the troll providing distraction. Unfortunately he was crushed flat. Shrimpy appeared and got several good hits, but was unfortunately taken out too. Only when Sinjin randomly flew out from a tree and landed on its head, did he focus zen powers, and ripped out his arms sticking them right up its nostrels did they win! The troll died. Maddie revived the two awesome warriors and they were able to make it to Nicholastown! :D The End.

RANT!: Royal Wedding!!!

So I decided to wake up quite early to watch the royal wedding. As soon as I announced this decision to awaken before sunrise, I discovered the emmense amount of surprise and disdain for the royal wedding. "Yay a wedding for a powerless and useless royal family!" they cried quite sarcastically. I found myself quite agitated by their disdainful and sardonic attitudes toward the wedding. They've done huge weddings for every royal member. Each and everytime something royal happens, its always in a most grandeous occaision! I don't quite understand the sudden surprise or disdain. Royal weddings are meant to be huge and involve the people of the country. The fact that The United Kingdom and The United States are so closely related in past and lineage, it only makes sense that the occassion would be big here too. Its not nice to criticize the British people for adoring their royalty. The monarchy may lack the power it once had due to the fact the country is a constitutional monarchy, however the royal family is a symbol of their power. It is ULTIMATELY who the British people owe their loyalty to, not the Parliament, though they do have to do what they say. I don't see the weirdness in it, its just a special occaision. A marraige into the royal family is basically a marraige to the country itself. Thats why its so public. So, in conclusion, to all of you who think that the royal wedding is stupid, don't ruin it for anyone else who actually gives a care for it. If anything feel happy for them, and stop being so damn snarky. Thank you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Okay it really bothers me...

when children make more adult decisions. Like who do these kids think they are? Okay, I was talking to one of my friends today, and he told me his brother...his 9 YEAR OLD brother, was gay. Okay... and immediately my face was like this..
I'm thinking 'What the hell? What the hell is going on with kids these days?' Its getting just fracken awful. They're making boyfriends and girlfriends at nine years old. I mean WTF? These kids are making decisions on sexuality at younger ages each generation! Next thing you know there are going to be four year olds making out with each other!!! FOUR YEARS OLD. Do you know how disgusted this makes me? It makes me want vomit....vehemently. When I was his age...I didn't know about the sins of the world. In fact, I didn't know until I at least hit puberty. Which was 13 okay? When I was this kids age I was causing trouble with Pokemon and running around, riding my bike. I payed no attention to guys or girls. All I wanted to do was have fun with my friends, and I had no interest in what was in their pants. I have never had a real relationship my whole like let alone a kiss, and this kid, and hes not the only one, is going around getting boyfriends and girlfriends at 9-10 years old, prolly already getting their groove on! What the hell is wrong with this picture!? Why are kids growing up so fast!? They only think they know everything but they don't and they don't know what they're getting into! Its maddening. Truly. I don't know what we need to do as a society, but we need to do something. Censorship might be a good idea, but parents don't do it. When I was younger my parents kept me away from such things, including Adult Swim in Cartoon Network. Which only came on when everyone went to sleep...if kids are watching that stuff....WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING UP THAT LATE!? When I was younger I was going to be at 9 at night!!! Urgh....
In all my 18 years of existing on this planet...I have never been more disgusted with kids than I am now. Please someone do something. =.=