Friday, April 29, 2011


Sinjin the Monkey Ninja Master was hopping around along with his friends Shrimpy the Rogue, Maddie the Cleric, and Zachamina The Warlord till they came to a mysterious dark dank cave on the way to Nicholastown. As they passed by the cave, a hugh roar echoed down its dark hollow walls. Sinjin chattered wildly in monkey tongue his beautiful white monkey tail swinging back and forth as a huge green fist fighting monk Cave Troll walked out chewing on the head of some dumb prat stupid and drunk enough to wander here at night.

"Blargh!!!"The monstrously ugly troll cried! "I am Ethaneus! And none shall pass this cave! All of you will die!!!!''

Shrimpy, Maddie, and Zachamina got ready to battle. They were ready to take on the troll as they had taken on every challenge thus far. Together and with kicking as much ass as possible. Sinjin brought out the Sword of Rainbows and pointed it at the troll angrily!

"What!? The Sword of Rainbows!? How dare the Unicorns betray me!?"

Sinjin chattered and dissapeared into the brush nearby the cave. Shrimpy made the first move turning invisible and slowly sneaking past the troll. Maddie put some distance between herself and the troll Ethaneus so as to support the others.Zachamina ran straight at the troll providing distraction. Unfortunately he was crushed flat. Shrimpy appeared and got several good hits, but was unfortunately taken out too. Only when Sinjin randomly flew out from a tree and landed on its head, did he focus zen powers, and ripped out his arms sticking them right up its nostrels did they win! The troll died. Maddie revived the two awesome warriors and they were able to make it to Nicholastown! :D The End.

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